Tinfoil Beanies

My friend Lilith sent this to me:

Today we share a fantastic site that shows you how to protect yourself from those irritating voices in your head! Did you know that by using regular aluminum foil and by following a few simple instructions, you can make your own mind control deflection device? According to the directions an Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie (AFDB) is a type of head-wear that can shield your brain from “most electromagnetic psychotronic mind-control carriers,” including government agents, aliens and your housepets. The silver beanie also no doubt protects you from ultraviolet radiation too.

One thing that is very important, of course, is to know when to use your mind control protection. According to the How To website “as a matter of safety, you should wear your AFDB at all times since you never know when or where psychotronic signals will reach you.” If you are worried about being controlled by others, you should always keep this aluminum beanie on your scalp! Be especially sure to wear your deflector cap when you go to bed at night. “When people are sleeping they are very vulnerable to mind-control and need all the protection they can get.”

Children should also be protected from the psychotronic signals that would control their supple young minds. Good news! Toddlers and up can be fitted with an aluminum hat just like the one you make for yourself – simply bend back any excess aluminum. Since a baby’s skull is still knitting together giving it less natural skeletal protection, an extra layer of aluminum should be used. In fact, “for newborns and infants, a full body covering of aluminum is advisable in addition to the AFDB to insure there is no psychotronic reflection through the mandible caused by the infant’s usually supine position.”

It is also important for pregnant women to start “covering their womb with aluminum before the onset of the second trimester.” Otherwise harmful psychotronic engrams could be permanently stamped into the developing brain of your unborn child.

You will even want to make a tinfoil beanie for Fluffy and Bowser too. “Pets are even more suscetible to psychotronics as humans since they do not have as well developed a sense of self as humans do.” Make your mind control deflector for your cat or dog just like your own, but smaller. Pets with protruding, highly mounted ears such as cats, dogs, and llamas need to have holes cut into the deflector to accommodate them. Great care must be taken when making these holes to leave enough extra aluminum to secure the hole around the base of the ear so no stray psychotronic rays leak in.

“While concern for your pets’ well being should be motivation enough to construct AFDBs for them, there is also another reason: any un-AFDBed entity with a central nervous system in your home—even a beloved pet—is a potential agent of the forces of mind-control and may be used to spy on you or even bring physical harm against you. You are simply not safe with AFDB-less pets in your home.”

Besides your pets, you should also be worried about paraterrestrials also referred to as “aliens” in the popular literature. Aliens are known to use psychotronic mind-control to inculcate humanity to accept their evil agendas. According the the directions “AFDBs will work just as well against these signals as they do against human government and corporate ones.”

Have you had enough metal beanies? No?! There’s more! Read the instructional website to see more pictures HERE. And have a good weekend … or else we will make you!


Psychotronics is the catchall name members of the U.S. Psychotronics Association (USPA)apply to the interdisciplinary studies to which they’ve devoted their lives. That’s “Psycho” for mind-consciousness, and “Tronics” for physics and instrumentation. By marrying the human mind to electronic instruments, they believe, mankind can extend its senses to realms beyond our physical world, and achieve a more harmonious state of existence.

Warning signs of psychotronically affected pets:

Does your cat stare intently at empty space as if watching something?

Does your dog follow you around as if keeping track of you?

Does your goldfish seem content to merely swim around in a little bowl observing you?

Does your parrot say things that you never taught it to say, especially pro-NWO slogans?

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