Pirates & Angels at freeFall

We had another amazing show, this time at the also amazing freeFall theatre! The Sunshine City Trio Nicole Hays and AJ Vaughan Elliot Greenbaum Ron Goldstein is the Czar of Swimsuit Inspections! Rubén Vásquez Nicole Hays Rim Karnavicius and Emily Lusk Kevin Mitchell and Emily Lusk Emily Lusk Rim Karnavicius, Kevin Mitchell and Maija Currey […]

SPO Orchestrates Holiday Sparkle

“I hope you don’t mind, Dewey, but I have fully orchestrated your song!” said Maestro Mark Sforzini at a performance of Holiday Sparkle at the St. Peterbsburg Yacht Club.  Of course I don’t mind. I’m honored that the St. Petersburg Opera Company is including my song again this year in their holiday concert. This time […]

Memior Church June 2022

Suze Allan invited Dewey to be the guest on Memoir Church – her monthly deep dive into a memoir writer’s work and experiences –  in July.

Hear Me on Hear Me Out!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEE8azu7g6o The Cheese Stands Alonewritten & performed by Dewey van Nieummerdor Ganymede Davis-Thompson

Pirates & Angels at SPO

CHRIS ROMEO * CULVER CASSON * LOUIS F. FIOLDAN BAKST *  J KENT * VASHTI WALTERS * SARAH PLETTSandTHE SUNSHINE CITY TRIO! Enjoy original songs and music byTOM SIVAK * DEWEY DAVIS-THOMPSON * CHRIS ROMEOand a moment of mindfulness with yogi RUBÉN VÁSQUEZ. And the return of NICOLE HAYS and AJ VAUGHAN as titular pirate […]

Holiday Sparkle Song Performed by SPO!

St. Petersburg Opera Company performs Holiday Sparkle – a song I wrote on the back of  on the back of a napkin – with music by Chris Romeo, leading the chorus in the video below. https://davis-thompson.com/media/2021_SPO_Holiday%20Sparkle_Holiday%20Sparkle%20Performance.mp4

Tocobaga Bargain Featured at Dramatists Conference

Listen to The Tocobaga Bargain   The Dramatists Guild of America National Conference is this week in New York, and I am going to be on a panel about writing in reaction to hurricanes.  My radio play The Tocobaga Bargain will be among those discussed by the group.